Hey Kids, Lane County Covid numbers improving and many of you have been, or will be, vaccinated soon. Eventually the weather improve too. Look to meetups starting Wednesday, Feb 24. We may do a combo of meeting in my garage for a short club meeting then head to Pint Pot or Paddock for a beverage and food. Both have decent outdoor spaces. We have options. Of course, all virus mitigation practices considered. For anyone not feeling comfortable just yet, no worries. this new site is to help everyone stay better informed and communicate. Better days ahead!

I scouted Jackalope out tonight As they reopened, but the patio looked a little crowded. Good for them I guess. Looking forward to reestablishing a regular meet up spot because I’m about done finding somewhere every week. Next week looks good for Lauralwood. I’m getting vaccinated this weekend, hope everyone is taking care of that. As for Wednesday rides, we need to divide that planning up.
I would suggest wetlands with their patio but every time I've been by it's a zoo and looks unsafe. The neighborhood pub on Chambers has expanded their outside area. While many of us enjoy a cool beer, we can include the food cart pods like friendly, Chambers and river road.
Potential spots moving forward:
Kapu Hut/North Bank
Slices (Whit)
Gryff's (Spfld)
What are others you would consider?
Lane county is officially going high risk on Friday!
I've done more riding duringthe pandemic than I have in years past. Better for
I am ready for some nice weather, realizing it's been a couple weeks since I rode.
looking like Pint Pot at 6-ish? We'll move around for a while until we find something comfortable. Of course virus mitigation in play
I'm getting my second shot on Monday so I'll be down, we'll actually have a good cadre of chaps vaccinated very soon!