Bagel were you at this rally? If so we were there together! And def find those pics from our DC rally in 1991. It was definitely my bike you rode on. You may even have a pic of me, my bike, my brother Ken or Darren Lopez.

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Same patch, yes indeed
Bagel, was that August picture yet a THIRD rally we both landed at??? Or is it another pic from DC?
Bagel look at the second photo. Third from the left is me on my 200-powered Li 150. 4th from the left is Darren ("Dirty Hands") Lopez on his Li 125. Fifth from the left is Ken McGee, my brother, on his GP 150! I thought he was on a P200E that rally but I was wrong. If you could zoom in closer you'd see me wearing a tee shirt with a rat on it that said, "Evil Skinnerian", and you'd see Darren's Lambretta tattoo. In the first photo, Ken and Darren are to the right, Ken is sitting on his bike and Darren standing next to his Lammy. Mine is to the far right, the red and white Lambretta. My memory was a bit off, did not remember all of us arriving from Richmond on Lammies but I sort of rushed in and out due to Gretchen's birthday. Can you remember which Lambretta you rode on? I think it was mine because mine was much more powerful than Ken's or Darren's and was better suited for riding two up. Will pass these wonderful pics on to Ken, I told him the story and he was thrilled! Cheers, Dan
And one more from DC:
Dan, look what I also found from August 1991 - is that you on your bike 3rd from the end?
Yes indeed! That was the first rally that the Class A Motorscooter Club put on in Philly! I have that one on my first patch jacket too!