Logging In
To access some parts of this site and to post or reply in this forum, you need to be signed in. Everyone has an account. While you will be logged in most of the time, sometimes it will log you out. Some people get confused with logging in. While logging in with Facebook or Google account is possible, I don't advise it. I just using my email and a password. here's what the window looks like:
You'll want to click on the "Already a member? Log In" link, circled above. Then follow the "log in with email prompt." If using Chrome on your computer and phone, it can store your password.
Then ckick the button circled above "Log in with Email"
Either enter you info or save in in your browser. It's that easy. Some accidentally click on "Sign up with Email" which will give you the message your email is already used on the site. Easy mistake to make.
Fitting issues
On older phones, Wix sites have issues with pages slightly larger than the screen. simple using your thumb and index finger, "pinch the screen the shrink it to size. Using a newer phone (last couple years), pages fit fine on phone screen.
Feel free to report any issues here.