Let's nominate our top 10 roads we've ridden, then nominate a Road of the Year at the end of the year. Not every TROTY is HOF worthy. I got the idea from Hagerty 'Drivers Club' magazine. This can coincide with out route pages we can build (an idea circulating with a few of us). Let's list some to get the convo rolling...
Stipulations: a road that at least 2 members have ridden (we could up the number if needed.
My nominees... (I'll add more)
Fox Hollow (EUG)
North Bank (Wilbur)
Briggs Hill Road
Siuslaw river road
Alsea falls road
Hwy 242
Maulqua/garden valley
Lobster valley
The road that heads out towards Alsea. A kind of neat short one is Kirk(I think that’s the name) that cuts from the reservoir to Applevalley(or something apple)
McKenzie view/camp Creek
Whatever that left turn off cedar past Drain is called, Buchanan or something.... frickin amazing.