Making a little progress at getting my engine building bench in order. You may recognize some of the odd bits and tools there, as well as the Lambretta candy store under the bench!
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All kinds of good progress today
@Chad Stockdale building his motor 😂🤣😂
Productive day for myself as well. Both motors were completely apart this morning. Plus the tank and seat are going in on the SS!
Well the rest of the garage still looks like utter shite! There's bicycles piled everywhere and my other bench needs cleaning. But this is a start. Ready for Chad's engine, followed by Stephen's TS1 if it needs sorting.
looking good Dr Dan
Too clean
Wow, looking good! I'm slowly coming up with a gameplan for a new bench and more workable space. I like Joe's garage with the three doors that close off the shelving area, and an uncluttered bench. Yours looks fantastic!